We moved a little away from our usual Chicago based naming scheme this season. We thought it would be fun for us each of us to tell you a piece of our story through the colors. So, without further ado:
My parents met in Arlington, VA.
Michael started school in Flushing, NY.
Amanda was born in Louisville, KY
Mento hails from Monrovia, Liberia.
Casey went to high school in Reno, NV.
Bettie met her beau in Rippey, IA.
Tito had his first kiss in Rockaway, NY.
Tony's fiirst date was in Worcester, MA.
(We have 8 colors and only 7 people, so we added the story of my
friend Tony who works in the studio right next door.) I didn't think
you'd mind.
We've also got some cute models that we'll be posting over to
Facebook and Twitter and the like. Here's one that Amanda created in
Reno called The Biggest Little City Cowl. It's a freebie over on
As always, we'll dye any of our yarns in any of the colors. Including
our newest yarn, Haymarket. I have Jaywalkers in Arlington on the needles right now. What are you thinking about?