Not too long ago I mentioned that I'd decanted and bottled some sweet blackberry wine. I have to admit that I'm not sure whether it was here or on Twitter or Facebook. (Methinks there are too many places for me to share my thoughts these days.)
Anyway, I got the wine decanted and bottled and it found a nice spot to nestle in among the newly planted flowers. The flowers are doing very well so far. It's only been a couple of weeks, but the weather here in Chicago has been extraordinarily fickle this spring so I'm grateful that we haven't had a late frost.
This weekend, I got the chance to give my first "
Pay it Forward" gift. One of the winners, Christine, was coming to the studio for one of the tours we give for the
Windy City Knitting Guildand was able to pick it up personally. It was fun to get to meet her.

There were several of us standing around and chatting and I was amazed at the range of agricultural DIY things that people engage in right in the city. One woman raises chickens, another one told me about her beekeeping, someone else grows asparagus and yellow (!) raspberries. I am inspired to see what other things I could do with the limited space and light I have at my apartment. I don't think there are any chickens in my future, but I'm sure I can come up with some new ideas.
Of course while we were talking, Pay it Forward was part of the conversation. Someone asked what I'd received and I explained that I hadn't seen Jennie the Potter's post in time to be one of the lucky five, but I thought it was such a good idea that I started another thread of it anyway. Well, lo and behold, guess what showed up at the studio a little while later?

That's right, homemade pickles! Christine brought them back for me so I got a gift too. How cool is that? And there are two kinds, dill and garlic. We got them right home, chilled them up and have been chomping away. I have a sandwich every day for lunch and I'm looking forward to having a pickle on the side for as long as I can.
So, I have four more Pay it Forward gifts to go. I have one or two in mind and am looking forward to coming up with more as time passes. I have until the end of the year to send them, so we'll see where inspiration takes me over the course of the next several months.
BTW, I only have mailing info for four of the five winners. I've heard from Anna, Annie, Colleen and of course the lovely Christine. I'm still waiting to hear from Jenny. Jenny? Are you out there? If you are, please send email to yarn at lornaslaces dot net. Thanks!