We went to a great performance art production on Saturday night, Redmoon Theatre's Last of My Species. It's a short show, only about an hour, but they packed a lot into it. One of my favorite bits had them doing some acrobatic moves on a crane. It reminded me a bit of trapeze work.
I've been interested in trying my hand at trapeze for the last couple of years. The park district here had a company put up equipment on the lakefront awhile back and I never got over there to give it a shot. The piece on Saturday night piqued my interest again. I'll have to do some research. If anybody knows anything about it, please let me know.
I did have enough quiet time to finish up the Sunday Swing socks I started a week or so ago. These are done in the second size and knit in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock. I cast on 64 stitches. They fit me just fine. It was a simple, quick knit. I like these socks well enough that I could see doing a second pair.
I also cast on a Tempest sweater. One of the colors I'm using is still top secret, so I can't show it to you quite yet. Maybe later in the week.
Are those socks Scarlet and Grey? OSU colors?
Check the blog Adventures in Paradise for the recent trapeze exploits of Shanti, another knitter
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