Last night I was happily knitting away on one of my secret color TNNA projects when I came upon an error in my copy of the pattern and had to stop. It was getting close to the time when I needed to put the needles away for the evening anyway, but I don't like finishing my day on that kind of a note.
So, as soon as I got to work this morning, I headed straight to the the computer to figure out what was what. Just about the time I got the file open, the phone rang. It was a woman from Dallas who'd gotten stumped by this pattern last night too.
I was able to find the errata and get us both straightened away. We had a nice chuckle about what a coincidence it was that we both ran into the same issue right about the same time yesterday evening. Small world.
nice when it can get figured out without too much of a headache though! :)