Monday, November 26, 2012


I'm so happy that this is one of the years that Thanksgiving comes early and we have an extra week between now and Christmas.It allows me to delude myself into thinking that there is plenty of time and I'll get everything done. Often, this kind of thinking just leads to a false sense of security and I end of scrambling even more than usual because I believe that "plenty of time" will somehow turn into a temporal version of a tesseract. 

I know I've mentioned here that I'm not a big holiday knitting person. One of the big reasons is that TNNA is generally in January and I need to keep focused on getting things done for that. The other thing is that I want to have fun during the lead up to Christmas and I just don't need the pressure of trying to get everything done in the nick of time. I'll leave that craziness to The Yarn Harlot.

This past weekend, I finally finished my Haven, a super cute shawl from Mercedes Tarasovich Clark. This is knit from Sportmate in Farwell. The pattern comes in two sizes, this is the smaller, scarf-y one. 

It was the perfect knit for a family holiday gathering. There is garter stitch to keep things simple with a glass of wine (or three) and a little cable to pay attention to every so often to keep me from saying something inappropriate in front of the relatives.

Now I'm home, the weather is brisk and I got to wear something new on the first day back from the holiday. It took the sting out of getting back to work. 


Stefanie said...

You are too cute and love the platnium hair!

Stefanie said...
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