Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Color Inspiration

One of the things we like to do around here is create idea boards. We all collect magazines for a few months and then have a day where we go through them and glue things to poster board that seem to make sense together. Sometimes the theme in a board might be color. Or texture. Sometimes it's about a type of animal or clothing.

Then, when it comes time to start thinking about colors for a new season, these boards are one of the places we go for inspiration.

Recently, we laid out a bunch of the boards and started deconstructing them. That sounds crazy doesn't it? But since the boards aren't necessarily about color, we need to distill that out. Everybody grabbed a few pictures that spoke to them. We ended up with a collage that looked like this.

 Then we broke it down further.

And created a bunch of small tableaus.

 Some of the pictures are actually in focus.

Others, not so much.

But, they were all lovely springboards to get us thinking about colors and where we wanted to go with the season.