Monday, May 17, 2010

It's an Honor

The naming contest finished up over the weekend and we have a winner, Honor!

The crew here at Lorna's Laces was pretty evenly split on which of the choices we liked the best. Just like with the general voting, Dreamcatcher fell to third place, but the other two were neck and neck.

There were good arguments for both and I never really did make up my mind about which was my favorite. I suppose I could argue both side of the coin. But at the end of the day, Honor seems like an nice name for our new yarn. It has something of the same sensibility as some of our other names like Grace or Glory.

It also happens to be the name of the street where we're located. Well, almost. We're on Honore Street. But I figure that's splitting hairs.

You're probably wondering who won the $500 prize....It turns out we had two winners. I'd originally said that if more than one person submitted the same name that we'd use a random number generator to pick the final winner. Well, two people submitted Honor. They decided they'd rather split the prize. I thought that was pretty nice of them.

So, congratulations to Amy from Atlanta, GA and Heather from Cumming, Georgia. Beautiful packages of yarn will be making their way down south in just a few days.*

Thanks to everyone who took part in our little contest!

*Edited to add: It looks like we missed an entry from Marianne. So, we have a third winner! Yay, the more the merrier!


Robin said...

And when will we have the honor of purchasing some Honor for our own???

Lorna's Laces said...

It will be shipping to an LYS near you in the middle of June. Call them and ask them to order it!

Kristine M. said...

I can't wait to use it. The combination of your wonderful colorways & this lovely new yarn is too tempting to resist.