Thursday, June 3, 2010

I just can't look

I just realized something about myself. I can't bear to see disasters. I can listen about them on the radio, but I can't look at pictures or watch coverage on television.

This little revelation dawned on me on the way home from work last night. There were back to back stories on the radio talking about the earthquake in Haiti and the oil spill in the gulf. Just like everyone else, I've heard all about them but I have successfully avoided the visuals.

This isn't new behavior for me. I think I can count on one hand the number of images I saw of Katrina's aftermath. It's not that I don't care. I do care. It's just that seeing it disturbs me enormously. It flat out overwhelms me.

I wonder if some of this avoidance has any connection to the fact that I work in fiber. That so much of what I do is color, and texture. That somehow I want to keep that visual corner of my brain safe. I dunno.

So, enough with the navel gazing...Let's turn our eyes to pretty.

This cute little tank is from Kristin Omdahl's latest book, Crochet So Fine!

It's crocheted from our Helen's Lace and shown here in 107 Red Rover. I just love the way the purple of the tank underneath peeks through. The contrast makes the red really stand out.

There's a little lesson in here. We get calls all of the time from people who want to know which of our nearly solids matches a particular color in one of our multicolors. We always steer them towards something that coordinates, but doesn't match. You need a certain amount of contrast to make the colors sing.


grumperina said...

Wow, that tank is really lovely!

Mylyne said...

I like how the finished product made from your yarn drapes the model. As for the issue about watching disasters. I, too, feel the same way. I try to be aware of the news going on here and abroad, but can't stand to see the calamity's (natural or man-made) aftermath, especially how it affects humans and animals alike.

Karen said...

I feel the same way about seeing disasters. A huge part of it for me is that it troubles my mind to think that I can survive being witness to such tragedy. On the other hand, I do believe very strongly that it is important to quietly and lovingly bear witness when awful things happen. The world is my neighborhood and, as difficult for me as it is, I try not to turn my back on my neighbors just because things have turned ugly. But boy, I totally understand what you're saying. It touches my spirit just writing this.

Lorna's Laces said...

Mylyne...yes, the fabric is lovely. I also think this is a shape that could be nice on a wide range of shapes and sizes. It's empire-y enough to hide a tummy, the straps are wide enough to cover a bra, the neckline isn't too deep or too high..

Mary Beth said...

Wow. I love this top...and I'm not a constant fan of Interweave Crochet. I love this...I need to make it. I am so happy I know how to addition to knitting.

Melissa Morgan-Oakes said...

I can look at a lot of things. I could not look at Exxon Valdez, and I cannot look at the gulf. I think I would stop breathing or something.

I love that tank!