Thursday, February 17, 2011

I took some time on Sunday to read Cookie A's latest, Knit.Sock.Love

This book is absolutely stunning. Stunning I tell you. Laura Kicey did the photography and she did a stunning job. Did I mention it was stunning?

cookie a, knit sock love

It's a collection of 19 patterns. Some of them are old favorites like Monkey and Hedera while others are brand spanking new. She's broken the patterns down into three sections, Columns, Tessellations and Diagonals. Within each section, the patterns are presented in increasing levels of complexity. It's all very organized which makes me very happy.

The Columns section are variations on vertical design elements. Repeating elements are stacked on top of one another. Cables immediately come to mind. So do some simple lace patterns. Columnar patterns make it easy to keep track of where you are by checking your current work with the work below.

This is Stalagmite. It's shown here in our Shepherd Sock color 22ns Turquoise.

cookie a, stalgmite,

The next segment is Tessellations. (Please tell me I'm not the only person who'd never heard that word before.) A Tessellation is an arrangement of shapes on a surface the leaves no gaps between them. Mosaic tiles are a good example. The world famous Monkey Sock is probably one of the best known examples in the knitting arena.

This section includes Clandestine. Lorna's Laces worked closely with Cookie in the creation of a special color for this sock, Cookie's Deep Dark Secret. The marriage worked quite well, don't you think?

The final section is Diagonals. Cookie describes diagonals as patterns that travel off the grid. She's embracing the idea of adventure and pushing boundaries. How cool is it that a sock can do that for us? I think my favorite of these socks is Sake. (Named after sake sashimi rather than the rice wine.)

cookie a, sake

The patterns are available as singles or you can go ahead and buy the book. I always prefer to own a book. It keeps things nice and tidy for me.

Would you like a copy for yourself? I have a signed one right here. Reply to this post by Friday, February 18th at 5PM central time and me know which pattern you want to knit and we'll let the random number generator pick a winner. We may even throw in a skein of yarn to enable you even more. (I've only put up three pictures, you should really take a look at them all here. There are so many nice ones. Rhombus and Stricken. Cusp and Wedge. BFF and Marilinda.)

We all need a little sock p0rn in our lives. Especially when it's this stunning.

**Also, you all should know that the book was written before we changed our put-up. Now it's 100g and 435 yarns so you'll only need one skein of Lorna's Laces for a pair of most socks.


Play at Life Fiber Arts said...

Cookie A and Lorna's Laces - perfect partners :D

Anonymous said...

please! sign me up for some of that, quick!

Jennifer P said...

Love it! Just cast on for my first pair of Monkeys with Montrose this week, and now can't wait to start Clandestine.

Debbi J said...

Oh, Clandestine looks and sounds intriguing, especially combined with a yarn called Deep Dark Secret! So that would be my first choice but it sounds like they might all be "must knits"!

Anita said...

Cusp would be first, then Sake! Love them all!

Unknown said...

Wow so many gorgeous patterns. I can't decide between BFF and Stalagmite... I want them all! LOL

Deborah said...

I am all about Cookie A's patterns. And the first one I want to do from this book is Lissajous - I am all about knee high socks.

cutesox said...

I'd probably do the BFF first as I haven't gotten too expressive with my socks before - then, I'd move to Wedge and then work my way up in difficulty - to Rhombus :) sigh. :)

becca said...

Ooh! What a lovely book. I really adore Clandestine and what a color Cookie's Deep Dark Secret is! Amazing. (I'd also have to make the German Stockings - they're too cute).

Kim said...

Do I want a copy of that book. Are you kidding woman. ;) I love the diagonals section so much, I want to knit every one of those. And some of the other ones. Ok, all the other ones. Bring me an ice pack for my wrist! :D marusempai on Ravelry.

Dawn said...

I have to pick just one? I want to knit ALL THE SOCKS!!!!!!!!! But my favorite in this book (right now anyway) is twisted flower. said...

Have wanted to do a pair of Monkey socks. now's the time to do it.

helena said...

which ONE? i want to make them ALL!

Fujiyamamama said...

Stalagmite. The book looks gorgeous, er, I mean stunning.

Eileen said...

I'd love to make them all but I'll start with BFF : )

Judy Whitehead said...

I think I'd start with Marilinda!!!! And continue on from there to Sake, then Stricken (but I'd have to do that in a different colourway as I'm not partial to yellow) ;>)

yarnsnob said...

Okay, so I'm a little biased toward the Mona pattern. I test knitted the original and she named it after my long departed Italian Greyhound dog.

Carol said...

I like all of the diagonals, but I think Stricken is my favorite.

Momyerom said...

Sake is gorgeous! It looks it would be challenging for me but I want to try it!

Kate said...

This book looks awesome! Even if I don't win, I think I'll check it out.

MNStitcher said...

I love the Sake one - maybe its time I knit my first pair of socks!

Sara said...

Loving those diagonals! Mmm, sock knitting...

Catherine Michelle said...

I've been looking at this book since Christmas! I would love to own a copy! My favorite is "Lissajous"! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jersey Shore Deb said...

Clandestine looks awesome! I would like to challenge myself with many if these, though. I've knit and enjoyed Hedera.

Bethany said...

I have to choose just one? Rhombus!

Lobug said...

I would have to say that German Stockings and Wedge are my favorites. I love her creativity.

ohdessa said...

I really want to knit Pointelle

Word Lily said...

That Sake is brilliant! I'd love to knit it. (I'd love to win.)

Debbi Lynn said...

I want to knit all of them, but I'll probably start with the Hedera.

(PS - pick me please!!)

Stefanie said...

This book looks so awesome! I would love to knit Sake! I had some $200 sake over winter break and it was so smooth, I didn't even get buzzed.

fishgirl182 said...

i have been dying to get my hands on this book. i would probably start with hedera since i've always wanted to make them. thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I NEED to make twisted flower. YUM.

SamIam said...

I love Cookie's socks and have knit quite a few pairs - everyone in my family owns their own Monkey's. I would love this book and thanks for all the great giveaways :)

Mary said...

"sock porn" LOL! Thanks for that ;)

SarahJanet said...

Oh, Clandestine is glorious. That one is first one my list!

StaceyKnitsIt said...

I'd like to knit them all eventually. Love how the Cookie socks fit on me.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to go with Rhombus, but only because I already have the individual patterns for German Stockings and Thelonius already.

chicagoknitter said...

I would love a copy since I'm currently a part of Cookie's sock club!

Molly said...

Stricken - I've been stricken to knit MORE socks!!

MeanestMommy said...

I would like to knit the Rhombus socks. And maybe a few others too. :)

Lisa H. (aka Meanest Mommy)
meanestmommysrules (at) gmail (dot) come

marchdi said...

I definitely must knit the Sake! So beautiful! I love Cookie A.

Kejia said...

Love the patterns, HATE the Gilbertian title. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Mary said...

Wow... beautiful! I might want to knit them all! First on my list BFF, then Rhombus and Mona...

catspaw said...

And I thought the first book was spectacular!

Jennifer said...

I would start with sake!

Liz said...

Ohhhh... I love the Saki...must knit those!!!

gerri said...

i'd like to knit gothic spire. i would love this book!

And Sew On said...

Oh my goodness - Sake is just beautiful. What else can I say?other than Me Please............

Sarah said...

I can't decide between Monkey and Clandestine, but all of the patterns are so beautiful! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love Lorna's Laces and have many sock yarns just waiting to become these socks!

Rebecca said...

I would knit the Mona socks!

Tiff said...

Wow, this book is amazing and Cookie A is , just wow! I luv a challenge and the SAKE pattern is calling to me. Can't wait to try it.

Karin Rush said...

Diagonals in Fjord! :) Love it!

Kristie said...

I've been meaning to make a pair of Cookie A's socks for a while now...a lovely book and Lorna's Laces yarn would certainly bump it up in my queue!

Amy said...

Hmm, hard to choose, but I particularly like the rhombus, but also the bff and the saki is really extraordinary!

a2z said...

I would love the challenge of Sake. Blues or greens or whatever Sheppard Sock you throw in.

Sheila said...

I luv Lorna's Laces... and Cookie A is awesome. I'm currently knitting my first Monkey sock. not sure what I'll do for my next pair

tgknits said...

I love the Sake pattern. I agree with you about having all the patterns in one spot, works so much better for me

cathy said...

Some really interesting patterns in the book, once I got past the absolutely gorgeous cover photo. :) I'd love to knit Gothic Spires or Lissajous!

Megan said...

Oooo, Sake!

Donna said...

I've tried to look away from that book, but Stalagmite is delicious!

RubyC said...

I am so all over this book. I have perused it, but I want to own it. Gotta love the diversity of this book. Just the best.

Nerdy Knitter said...

I don't traditionally knit many socks, but I soooo want to knit Stalagmite!

Golux said...

First, I need to make In and Out. Then, oh all of them!

lauraelih said...

Oooh, Cusp. Just the perfect amount of patterning, would love a copy of the book

Mylyne said...

I hope I win this great book!

TadPole said...

The Stalagmite ones are super cool.

Tall Kate said...

Hedera for sure. Gorgeous book, gorgeous socks!!

Caroline in NH said...

Ooh, please enter me in the drawing! I love the diagonals, especially Pointelle, but I have to say, these are such gorgeous colors!

LaVerna said...

They are all gorgeous but my personal preference is stalagmite.I love the geometric shapes.

Ina said...

Pick me! Pick me! I want to knit Rhombus, it's just the thing for spring.

VegasJilly said...

I love this book! Awesome patterns and beautiful photography and I have yet to it in real life. as popular as it is, I still have yet to knit the monkey sock.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, so many choices -- I think I like Pointelle the best, so far! At least right now.

Annette said...

It would have to be Hendera or Pointelle, or both, or all !

Beautiful book!

punkcutie said...

I really like Pointelle, but they are all lovely!

Unknown said...

I absolutely adore the German Stockings. Also, I love that the pattern info says it has direction for up to a 21" calf. It is really nice to see patterns that are already written for bigger calf sizes.

Kathleen said...

I love all of them! Think I'd start with Pointelle.

CMS PE said...

The engineer/mathematician in me says I HAVE to try tessellations! Love Cookie A and her intriguing patterns, and have been a loving fan of Lorna's for more years than I want to admit! Did my first lace project with a Lorna colorway and have not looked back since...

rinebird said...

I like the Hedera sock looks very comfortable.What a wonderful book to win & have.

nanabear said...

Marilinda would be my first choice. But they all look exciting.

momsue84 said...

I've always wanted to knit Hedera. But, every pattern could go in mu queue!! I love Cookie's patterns. And Lorna's Laces!

Liz T. said...

I would love to knit a monkey (can't believe myself that I haven't yet!). But also love BFF and Clandestine.
Thanks so much for the fun review and chance to win!

RB said...

I want to knit Clandestine!

Jeanne said...

I'm torn between Sake and Pointelle. Both of them are different from any other sock I've ever knit, and I am a confirmed Socknitter™. The only sweaters I've finished are for infants. It's socks all the way!

I love Cookie A's Monkeys so much I broke my rule (only one pair of socks per pattern) and knit two pair: one for me, and one for my sister. I might even knit a third sometime, the pattern is that good.

If there is yarn and a color choice, anything in the blue-green to purple spectrum, especially eggplant, is preferred.

azul lewis said...

It's a beautiful book..I'm particularly obsessed with the idea of knitting the german stockings, but also the marilinda, clandestine, stalagmite etc, all pretty compelling

Anonymous said...

Love the Gothic Spire, followed by the Stricken, then the Twisted Flower. What am I saying? I love them all....

Unknown said...

My favorite pattern is "Stricken". It's just stunning!

Rebecca said...

If I HAD to choose just one, I'd choose Lissajous!

Deanna said...

I love Cookie A's designs, and I have to say I am in love with Gothic Spire, the more intricate the better :0)

Glyn said...

I've been wanting this book and would love to knit all of the patterns! If I have to choose just one to start, though, it would have to be Rhombus. The mathematician in me loves the name as well as the design!

Laura H said...

I really love them all, but at the second I want to knit Pointelle. So pretty!

Sheree said...

I love Cookie A's socks. I am fascinated by all of the diagonal patterns, but I especially love the Sake pattern.

Wanda said...

Wow! I love "Clandestin">

Kalos said...

Ooooohhhhh! I love so many of them, but I think Pointelle, Sake and Staglagmite are my favorites.

Rachel said...

Will love to have this book!
I think Wedge will be my first choice or maybe Hedera, so hard to choose but I think I will manage!

Robin said...

My choice is Marilinda -- I love the combination of large and small cables. It will be a stretch - but I'm sure I can do it :)

Ashley W said...

Wow, only pick one favorite? Pretty tough, but I really like Wedge... it's an unexpected design among all of the beautiful lace and cables.

fibrelover said...

I want it!! If I won I would knit In and Out. If I don't win I think I will have to knit Mona with the Amy's Vintage Office that I bought today. :D Either way I win!

Anonymous said...

I have knit Marilinda- an awesome pattern! Would love to win the book as i love all of Cookie A's patterns! First pattern would be Thelonious. i like the side pattern emphasis.
Joanne U.

handknitbyafailedfeminist said...

Loved the last book but was seriously frustrated by the lack of sizing, I really don't buy a book to have to do my own math. But I am, sure I will get the book anyway.

Elizabeth said...

A very hard choice - they're all stunning. I'm drooling over Twisted Flower. That said, there would be a lovely irony in knitting yet another pair of Monkeys!

I love the beautious Dark Secret sock yarn!

Jen said...

oooh, two things I love, Lorna's Laces yarn and Cookie A's sock patterns. They are all lovely, but I think Marilinda is my favorite.

floribunda said...

I really love Wedge and Thelonius... what a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would love to make the stunning Clandestine with any stunning Lorna's Lace!

Deirdre said...

They're all beautiful, I would like to try Diagonals (I've knit Monkey before!) Though the whole book would have me dithering about what one to start with.

CathPete said...

I'm a beginner sock maker but I would aspire to knit Stricken.

Erin Heather said...

Definitely want to knit Stricken and Sake.

C Kraft said...

I love the sock porn!! Stalagmite is the one that caught my eye - or was that Stalactite??

quiltcontemplation blogspot said...

Well how can I resist an invitation which may result in a new signed Cookie Sock Book? I think Sake. I too am in the process of changing boundaries and dreaming of new adventures.

Anonymous said...

Clandestine for sure. The sock is gorgeous and I love the name.

Lynda said...

Sake is surely the one I would like to make first...hard to choose which one to knit next

Christine said...

It is really hard to choose just one. I think Thelonious.

Marianne said...

I love Saki. And the color is lovely, too.

Stella said...

Stricken, first. Then...the rest!

Lizard said...

I'm in awe of Stricken. But I think Rhombus is probably much more to my taste and abilities.

Anne Lorene said...

She is such a fab designer! I have Sock Innovations and am working my way through it. I know the Monkey well enough to do it in my sleep. I think Hedera would be my next choice.

ikisti said...

i keep finding myself drawn to the yellow socks. Though i think i would like knitting the German Stockings most of all. They have just the right amount of fun on them.

dydy said...

I love Clandestine, Cusp, and Gothic Spire, but my mathematician husband would probably convince me to knit Rhombus.

findingjudi said...

Going with Sake. Fabulous!

Brenda said...

I would love to knit Sake and Clandestine. And, I'd love to win the book!
-Brenda (goodstuff on Ravelry)

Angeluna said...

Looks stunning, I agree.

Angeluna said...

Ooops, forgot to say those yellow German Stockings are fabulous. But I would probably knit every single pattern in the book.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

I like the Wedge. It's simple, but striking, and would be great for us guys.

Grace said...

I think I'd start with Pointelle and then move on to Sake.

glongley said...

I would love to have a copy of this beautiful sock book. Knitting socks is on my needles must of the time.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I think I'm in love with monkey and or Rhombus as a stretch forward in my sock knitting. Thanks for the beautiful yarns that I have been graced with from friends in the Windy City Knitters Guild. Blessings to you and Cookie A on a yummy book.

Dee said...

I finally knit a pair of Monkeys this past fall. I loved the pattern and will knit it again. Cookie's a genius :)

Diane Eskritt said...

Marilinda or Clandestine...I would try either or both!

Luanne said...

I already have this book, but would love to donate mine to the Library if I win an autographed copy! I really want to make then all!!

Unknown said...

Stricken are lovely, but I think I would have to vote for Sake. They are brilliant. I have never seen such a unique sock and I would love to knit a pair.

Angela said...

So hard to choose! But I think I'd start with Sake!

Susan said...

Lorna Laces and Cookie A. Two great things. I would have to say Hedera, I just like the pattern.

UptownKate said...

I would start with BFF - it's time for me to embrace my fear of cables and wrestle it to the ground!

Ãœhltje said...

I think the book is worth it for the cover alone. But then there are patterns and patterns, oh my!

Trudi said...

I'd have to start with the easiest, I'm a sock newbie! I love the tesselation socks, always meant to make a tesselation quilt, but knitting caught me in its trap!!!

Anne said...

I got stuck with must knit already with the first:
Stalagmite and in that lovely turquoise...and then to continue with these gorgeous patterns one by one.

Amanda said...

I think I'd start with Wedge and then when I'm feeling confident...Lissajous.

Unknown said...

deep dark secret and clandestine make me the woman is amazing.

LaurenS said...

I would love to win the book - and make Clandestine.


Anonymous said...

wow! They really are so beautiful. If I had to pick a favorite it would be Thelonius!

Kamigaeru said...

I'm torn between Lissajous (knee highs!) and Stalagmite. I simply adore socks!!!!

Jocelyn H. Chilvers said...

How exciting! I've always wanted to try a Cookie A sock pattern, and that Sake sock is really calling my name...hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I think I'd have a hard time deciding between In and Out, Pointelle, Thelonius and Mona!!

Martha said...

Why, Monkey, of course! Please sign me up for a chance to win this book. Thanks.

Susan aka reddirt said...

Oh gosh! Sake for sure. But all of them!! She's a genius, and I can only hope to just follow her directions. Love love love!

Ana said...

Sake for me! Thank you for the giveaway - I have been drooling over this book!

leslie said...

I've been drooling over Stalagmite! Would love a copy of Cookie's book. Huge fan since my first pair of Monkeys!

kataish said...

ohhh I am excited about Stalagmite, AND Clandestine of course. They're both absolutely GORGEOUS!

OliviaKnits said...

I knit my first pair of socks out of Shepherd Sock and Cookie A.'s patterns are always stunning!

Unknown said...

I'd like to knit Pointelle!

Melissa said...

I love Cookie A's books! She was just in town and I took one of her classes. She's amazing!

I'm knitting Monkey right now and its just a fun and easy pattern! I keep eyeing knit sock love, but haven't quite put down the money yet. I love the gothic spire pattern.

Unknown said...

Sake. It is awesome. Thank you for letting us know about the book and for the wonderful string you help make.

Unknown said...

I'd like to knit Pointelle!

Megan B said...

Oooh! Stalagmite looks stunning!

Arsie said...

Clandestine or Monkey (which has been on the to do list for awhile). I need to knit more socks since I just walked through my first pair I made. :(

Genevieve said...

All of them... but Pointelle first! Cookie A patterns are fantastic, and Lorna's Laces yarn... my favorite!

Amanda M. said...

This will be the fourth contest I've entered to win this book! hehehehe Maybe 4th is the charm. :)

I want to knit Lissajous! I LOVE knee highs! :) Especially in Chicago during the winter!

Sarah said...

Ah, with so many beautiful socks, choosing one is a happy dilemma. I think I would go for Sake.

Imladris said...

Aside from being tempted to just work through the book from beginning to end (like some folks are doing with cookbooks and the like), the first two that really grabbed me were Pointelle and Lissajous. Lovely patterns all!

SewCrazyDogLady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicky said...

Ooh! This looks great! I just got the sock bug :)

Lisa said...

Oooo! Pick me!!

Kristine M. said...

I want to knit the Stalagmite socks. They are so pretty!

knitterlydesigns said...

Ooh! I love love to learn socks from a master. I might become a sock knitter. The patterns are beautiful.

Carol said...

If I look through the complete list, I'll never be able to settle on one. And since I knew I wanted to fav Stalagmite on ravelry as soon as I saw it here, that's my choice.

glg said...

I especially love Marilinda, but I could fill my sock drawer with at least one of each! Thanks. ggratton

Avila said...

There are so many beautiful designs but I think my favorites are Cusp & Thelonius

Liz said...

Love love love this book - Can't begin to choose a favorite but my first knit from the book was the Monkey socks. I'd never knit them before! WOW! I think Pointelle or Stricken will be next.

Ruby said...

They are all so gorgeous! the one I love the most is twisted flower!

ikkinlala said...

I'm looking forward to knitting Sake.

Unknown said...

I would have to go with Stalagmite on this one. I so love Cookie A's socks. I saw this book in my LYS and fell in love with it.

CraftyShanna said...

Gothic Spire is probably the first one I want to make. I want to make them all though!

Betsy said...

Which one is my favorite? All of them. :-)

Alice said...

O no did I miss it? I want Knit Sock Love!!!

Anonymous said...

Sake looks 'stunning' hehe! But really didn't see a bad one in the bunch!

Oiyi said...

Wow, what a beautiful sock pattern book! I would like to knit Hedera or Wedge. They are all so pretty.

Unknown said...

I like the Pointelle too

vtknitboy said...

ohh! all. sake first. are any of them toe up?

vtknitboy on twitter, rav

Mya said...

Bring on the sock porn! I'd love to knit Sake! But they are all so pretty it would be hard to choose.

Unknown said...

Wow I don't know which one I like better! Cookie A always does such a good job!

zuzu said...

As one of the last people who hasn't done it, I'd have to say the Monkeys are at the top of my list!

Jen said...

I've been trying to find this book! still not readily available in australia *sigh*

*grabby hands*

CraftyCarole said...

Love Cookie's designs... Hard to choose one but Imy heart belongs to Sake.. my love of those stitches that seem to meander is worn on my sleeve.

I'd love to go for a ride with this book... along with the Valkyries ;-)

knittingtheblues said...

I have to choose? I've narrowed it down to Sake. With Stricken and Lissajous running a close second and second.

Michelle said...

Monkey will always be at the top of my list!

Anonymous said...

Definitely Cusp - what a beautiful pattern!

Carmen B said...


Cher said...

I would love to try Marilinda.

MaryjoO said...

I would try Sake first!

Knit-Chat said...

I want to make all the socks in this book, even if it takes a lifetime!

Anne Bean said...


Lorna's Laces said...

Thanks everyone!! The winner was rinebird, number 80.

Sarah said...

I was drooling over this book yesterday and would love a copy so I could decide what to knit first. Love her designs.

Anonymous said...

I really like Thelonious. Oh, and Pointelle. And BFF. Oh darn; I like most of them!

beck said...

I love em all! But Clandestine is high up on my list.

Ellen said...

Glad to find this:-) Would love to win.

Nadia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.