We put our thinking caps on at lunch yesterday and started scheming. We talked about how February is also American Heart Month. Since we're one of the companies that is partnering with Stitch Red to help women in the fight against heart disease we thought we could combine the two.
A couple of sandwiches and a pile of yarn later we came up with a plan: For one day only, you can buy up to two skeins of Shepherd Sock in 11ns Bold Red for just $20.00 each! That includes shipping in the US only. (If you live somewhere else, contact us and we'll figure somethng out.) In return, we'll donate $1 per skein to The Heart Truth.

Easy peasy. You get yarn and The Heart Truth gets a little something too. Everyone wins.
THE DETAILS: Payment MUST be made through our Paypal account. Send the money to yarn@lornaslaces.net. In the message box, please enter all of your mailing information so we know where to send the yarn. We can't be responsible for yarn not recieved if you don't tell us where to send it! We'll make the promotion available until 12:00 midnight on February 29th.
I believe I bought one of these :O) at Stitches West at the Jimmy Beans Wool booth Saturday.
I bought one in honor of my Auntie Jeanie who passed almost two years ago from a massive heart attack.
Hi, I'm really interested for buying to skeins but I'm living abroad (Paris in France), so how can we handle the shipping costs? Nice initiative anyway!
Dear Miss Bambamboum,
Send an email to yarn@lornaslaces.net and we'll set you up.
Lorna's Laces
What is the amount for two skeins with Chicago/Illinois sales tax?
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