Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

I come from a family of six kids. I always try and call my mom the day before a big holiday. I figure it's nice for her to have the calls spread out a bit instead of spending the entire day with her ear glued to the phone. Before I figured that out, I spent too many holidays frustrated by a never-ending busy signal. It's nice to find simple solutions isn't it?

The weather here yesterday was atrocious. When I woke up it was raining sideways. I love a great storm. Especially when it's one of those rare days when I don't have any pressing obligations. It was easy enough to text my running buddy Edward and cancel the run we had planned and hunker down for a nice, long day of knitting and cable movies. Ahhhh, perfection.

If it hadn't been so ugly out, I would have spent the day doing things. The run, meeting folks for brunch, maybe a movie in the afternoon. (The husband wants to see Iron Man.) But the truth is, I desperately needed a day with nothing on the agenda. I have been working alot of Saturdays and if I'm honest, I needed some time to myself. Yesterday was the perfect antidote.

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