My sister came through town a couple of weeks ago. She and her husband were catching a train here and then heading west to visit my nephew and his family out in San Diego. I'm not quite sure why, but the prospect of a train trip always seems desperately romantic to me.
Like any good grandmother, she spent a fair amount of time reading books with her grandkids. One of them was Sylvia van Ommen: The Surprise. (You should really take the time to click on that link and peek at some of the other illustrations.) It's a fabulous picture book about a sheep and the dyeing and spinning of wool and the making of a sweater for a friend. She was captivated by the book and sent me a copy. I am captivated too.

It was originally in Dutch but has been translated to a bunch of different languages so the copy I have actually says "the surprise" rather than "de verrassing" on the cover. Not that it would really matter since the pictures tell the story without the need for words.
It's been a long time since I've been so taken by a book. Do you think there's any shame in having a children's book front and center on my coffee table?
Heck No! No shame in that at all :)
"Farmer Brown Shears his sheep" sits front and center on my table!
Wow, a Dutch children's book on knitting and wool. I think I should buy that, because I'm Dutch and I knit (and I would like my future children to learn the same).
Because I'm Dutch I also would like to comment that it is "de verassing", not "der".
@ollandeejo Thanks for the head's up. I've corrected it.
You aren't the only adult that enjoys children's literature! I think it speaks well for you to have the book on your coffee table!
I'll have to take a peek at this book. We have Joanna Johnson's "Phoebe's Sweater" on our coffee table right now and visitors of all ages love to read it
We found a copy of The Surprise in Spanish at the local library, and it became a book that we checked out at least once a month. Another favorite sheep story book is Woolbur - I swear that it seems to be written about my son. Pelle's New Suit is another one that we really enjoy.
I am enchanted! Will be sharing it at our next Knitting Group get together!
As long as you enjoy the book, then there's no shame in it at all. :)
Having a kid's book in your table is not bad. I am proud of people who are not shameful in using kid things.
I have a basket full of children's knitting books in my craft room/office. My kids will come in and read them while I'm working on projects.
Kids' books make great coffee table books, and often great display art too. I have a hard time resisting many of the picture books that arrive in the store.
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