Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Oh Just Shut Up

I've been pretty sappy lately about what a wonderful job I have. If I were you, I would be tired of listening to me. But, I have one last thing to say on the subject, then I will be quiet. At least for now.

Today is the 7th anniversary of the day Lorna's Laces opened for business in Chicago. The day Lorna Miser turned her company over to someone who was practically a stranger.

It's hard to believe how fast the time has passed. How much has happened since then.

I'd tell you all about it, but the anniversary pizza is here. Gotta go!


ME215 said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! I don't have any champagne, but I'll toast w/ Diet Coke to MANY more great years! ;- Enjoy the pizza.

Mary Ellen

Shannon Okey said...

Happy anniversary and NEVER EVER shut up, because you are awesome!

SamIam said...

Congratulation. Many more years will come. And I agree, please don't shut up.

kristi said...

Happy anniversary! And many happy returns! And I wish I was there to share the pizza.... mmm... Chicago pizza.

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Happy Anniversary!! Enjoy!!! I would love a job like your's!! said...

Seven years! It's amazing, isn't it? One of the best decisions I ever made was selling to you. I'm so glad you're still loving it. I'm loving my life and work too. Congratulations on all the success Beth.